Best Project, Education/Research: Dwight School Hanoi

The Dwight School Hanoi is described by the project team as a premium private school in the Vietnam capital designed with a modern urban educational vision that provides space for adaptive areas, flexible learning and social distancing.

Source: New feed

Award of Merit, Health Care: Hospital De Sullana

With this project’s location in northern Peru being periodically impacted by intense rainfall, often inundating public roads—and the area lacking systems to adequately handle such downpours—IDOM Consulting Engineering Architecture incorporated natural rainwater collection and drainage systems into the design of Sullana Hospital.

Source: New feed

Best Project, Manufacturing: BC3.2 Bio Cork Project

This large and complex expansion of a biologic medicine manufacturing plant increased capacity 75% by adding three production bioreactors, each 15,400 liters, as well as associated seed reactors and expanded warehouse cold rooms, freezers and central utilities.

Source: New feed