Presidential candidate Donald Trump would use financial gains from oil and gas drilling to fund highways and some other infrastructure, he told Republican supporters at the party’s national convention.
Source: New feed
Presidential candidate Donald Trump would use financial gains from oil and gas drilling to fund highways and some other infrastructure, he told Republican supporters at the party’s national convention.
Source: New feed
The National Labor Relations Board has dropped an appeal of a ruling that said its 2023 Joint Employer rule was flawed, marking a win for construction and other business groups that preferred a 2023 definition of what constitutes a joint employer.
Source: New feed
Designed by Stantec, the White Stadium renovation in Boston refreshes a nearly 80-year-old stadium.
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Independent power producer SolarAfrica Energy has begun construction on its first utility-scale solar installation, located in South Africa’s Northern Cape that is set to total 1 GW in capacity when complete.
Source: New feed
Independent power producer SolarAfrica Energy has begun construction on its first utility-scale solar installation, located in South Africa’s Northern Cape. Phase 1 of the SunCentral project will have about 342 MW in generating capacity.
Source: New feed
Gateway Development Commission CEO Kris Kolluri said he would resign effective Aug. 16.
Source: New feed
The Renfrew Bridge is due to close for the first time this month with halves built separately in Belgium and Netherlands.
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ENR’s 20-city average cost indexes, wages and materials prices. Historical data and details for ENR’s 20 cities can be found at
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Amtrak says it’s working to finalize funding and restart the project, which was first announced in 2020.
Source: New feed
Arup begins feasibility study of commercial-scale facility set fyo be built on a site in Quebec, Canada.
Source: New feed