Dam Worries Resurface After Oroville Scare

Dam engineers and safety experts say the drama that unfolded in February at California’s Oroville dam could be a good thing for dam safety in the U.S.

Source: New feed

Smaller Projects Lead Use of BIM Collaboration Platform

A new web-based, structural-engineering BIM collaboration platform is providing its devel­opers with a few surprises about how the product is being used, with more small projects loaded than expected.

Source: New feed

Trump 2018 Budget Has Cuts, Some Hikes

President Trump’s fiscal 2018 budget proposal confirms that he will seek $200 billion in federal infrastructure funds over 10 years to spark several hundred million dollars more from non-federal sources.

Source: New feed

Delayed Tel Aviv Jobs Worth Billions Pick Up New Steam

Learning lessons from the much-delayed, 23-kilometer first phase of a Tel Aviv regional light-rail system, Israeli transportation officials have issued new engineering and project management tenders for the next two lines, with construction investment estimated at $8 million.

Source: New feed

New York State Moves To Cut Methane-Gas Emissions

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) has put forth 25 actions meant to reduce methane-gas emissions by 2020 as part of the state’s effort to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions 40% by 2030 and 80% by 2050.
Source: New feed