Demand for cement in Qatar has led Qatar National Cement Company (QNCC) to commission two cement mills of Plant 5 in the first half of this year to increase the production capacity by 5,500 tonnes per day
Source: New feed
Month: March 2017
Best of the Best Projects 2016
What are the qualities that make a project outstanding? Every year, ENR invites teams from around the country to submit their best work to its regional “Best Projects” competitions, which celebrate teamwork, safety, problem-solving, innovation and quality.
Source: New feed
Product Snapshot: Excavator and Trencher
The Deere 85G excavator has an operating weight of 19,564 lb, with a maximum digging depth of 14 ft, 10 in.
Source: New feed
Arcadis and Autodesk Tech Execs Die Suddenly
Suthan S. Suthersan, executive vice
president and chief technical officer of
ARCADIS North America, died suddenly on Feb. 20 at age 60 in Yardley, Pa., the company said.
Source: New feed
Editorial: What Deportations May Mean to Construction
As the Trump administration shifts the emphasis in U.S. immigration policy to a harsh, unneeded deportation drive of undocumented workers, employers have an important role in what comes next.
Source: New feed
Canada Pension Fund Ex-CEO To Launch Infrastructure Bank
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has named former Ontario pension-fund giant CEO Jim Leech as special adviser to Canada’s newly authorized, but still unlaunched, federal infrastructure bank.
Source: New feed
Engineering Careers IMAX Film, Education Program Are Dream Come True
How does an engineering association come to partner with a prominent IMAX movie producer to create a film to inspire kids to pursue industry careers?
Source: New feed
Ritchie Bros. Annual Orlando Auction Draws Buyers Betting on Growth
The annual parade of heavy iron past the viewing stands at the Ritchie Bros. auction in Orlando, Fla., is often taken as a bellwether for the health of the equipment industry.
Source: New feed
Sanctuary Cities Push Back on Trump Order to Withhold US Project Funds
Scores of “sanctuary” cities, counties and states for undocumented immigrants are vowing to defy President Donald Trump’s executive order, issued last month, that threatens to block their federal funding.
Source: New feed
Trump Mandates Regulatory-Review Task Forces
In another move to cut back on regulations, President Trump has directed federal agencies to set up task forces, with an eye to canceling or changing rules that officials find too restrictive.
Source: New feed