GCC railway completion date pushed back to 2021

The completion timeline for the 2,117km GCC Railway Network, which will form a passenger and freight route linking the six Gulf states, has been extended by three years
Source: New feed

Putin’s Nix of Plutonium Pact Clouds MOX Project’s Future

An ongoing political battle between the Obama administration and Congress over construction of the budget-busting Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility in South Carolina heated up after Oct. 3, when Vladimir Putin announced that Russia is suspending its participation in the international treaty governing plutonium disposition that served as the project’s impetus.

Source: New feed

Unions Rumble in Pipeline Protests

After the federal government temporarily halted construction on a portion of the Dakota Access Pipeline project in North Dakota, disputes continue, pitting protesters against construction crews and unions against each other.
Source: New feed

Chinese group to invest $20bn in Egypt project

This investment comes on top of a $15bn agreement by China?s state-owned construction company to finance 14 government buildings, a trade fair zone, and a 5,000-seat conference centre
Source: New feed