Craft Workers Open Up About Their Careers

Craft workers and their supervisors at the jobsite are indispensable elements of construction success, yet they are little known as individuals.

Source: New feed

The Importance of Using Sustainable Aggregates

     The United States is hungry for concrete. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, in 2014 the U.S. produced 80.5 million tons of Portland cement and 2.2 million tons of masonry cement. Portland cement is a primary ingredient in concrete, and most of the cement produced domestically went to the production of concrete. Though concrete is a sustainable material the amount produced every year results in significant environmental impact, making the development of recycled aggregate sources of dire import.

Source: New feed

Why Dallas Called for Do-Over On Big Drainage Tunnel Project

After discarding both the low and second-low bids, the city of Dallas has decided to start over with a competition for a big drainage-tunnel prime contract in the Trinity River watershed in the east section of the city.
Source: New feed

Why Dallas Called for Do-Over On Big Drainage Tunnel Job Deck

After discarding both the low and second-low bids, the city of Dallas has decided to start over with a competition for a big drainage-tunnel prime contract in the Trinity River watershed in the east section of the city.
Source: New feed

Al Thumama junction: 36-hour closure this weekend

Part of a wider $65.9m (QAR240m) project in the busy Najma/Old Airport area, the Al Thumama intersection will be closed for 36-hours this weekend to accommodate roadworks
Source: New feed